Quince trees often bear fruit the first year, and the quinces are tasty, crisp and aromatic. The quince tree ripens its fruit during the summer, and the quince is easy to grow for baking into quince pie, quince jelly, or several exotic flavorings for fowl and meats. The size of quince fruit varies from lemon size to larger than grapefruit being one of the largest of all tree fruits that are grown in the United States.
The production of quince fruit is reliable from year to year. The new and improved quince hybrids usually mature the fruit in late summer. Most quince trees originated in the Mid-Eastern countries like Turkey, Iran and Iraq, and some historians consider the quince to be the forbidden fruit that supposedly tempted EVE in the Biblical Genesis Scriptures of the Garden of Eden saga.
The Quince tree is a rare Asian fruit tree related to the apple and pear tree. Immature Quince fruit is covered with fuzz somewhat like a peach but this fuzz mostly rubs off when fruit ripens from green to yellow. Quince trees are cold hardy and need cold frost to flower normally. While they do produce some fruit alone, Quince trees benefit greatly by having a second plant nearby for cross pollination
Cookes Jumbo Quince Tree
The Quince tree is self pollinating, but the fruit of the Quince tree is larger and more Quince are produced if another different Quince tree cultivar is present.
Planting a Quince Tree
Useful visual tips on how to properly plant a Quince Tree