Alabama Trees![]() Buy Alabama Fruit Trees (Fig), Flowering Trees, Shade Tree, Wildlife Tree, Berry Plants and Grape VinesSerious Montgomery and Birmingham Alabama gardeners face varying soil types, temperature requirements, and therefore, each gardener must make important decisions about which kinds of Alabama fruit trees, Alabama shade trees and ornamental flowering trees are best adapted to plant. Auburn University, Alabama is located in the Eastern part of the State. At Auburn University, Alabama, extensive research on fruit trees was done in the 1960's by Dr. J.D. Norton, especially to develop the best Alabama adapted plum trees. Dr. Norton developed the famous Auburn University Plums, (A.U. Plum Trees) such as the A.U. Homeside plums, A.U. Rubrum Plum, A.U. Amber, and A.U. Rosa plum trees. Not only were these plum tree selections bred from crossing an improved Ozark Premier with a Methley plum cultivar - an old,excellent choice for Alabama homeowners, but the now disease resistant, new, high quality Plum trees are distributed widely by national plum tree nursery operators. Dr. Joseph D. Norton also developed a fruiting pear tree with a red skin that was highly adapted and productive in Alabama home gardens. This redskin pear also was attractive on grocery store shelves when displayed with yellow pears or green-brown pears. Find out how to order and purchase the Chicago Hardy Fig trees that are very cold hardy and the TN Mountain Fig tree can be grown in at least USDA zones 5 or warmer. The Black Mission Fig tree, the Italian Fig Trees, and the invisible to birds, Green Ischau Fig tree are being successfully grown in Alabama. Many other fig tree cultivars can be purchased for sale on Auburn University, Alabama horticulture professors also did extensive research on new varieties of the best AL adaptable nut tree orchards. The Amling pecan tree has been released by a former A.U. Researcher, named H.J. Amling to limited pecan nursery growers. The Amling pecan tree has proven to be a reliable producer of thin shelled, oily pecan kernels, and these Alabama adapted pecans have now been tested in pecan orchards in many other States other than Al. Chinese Chestnut tree research at Auburn University, Alabama has been extensively done, and the chestnuts varieties selected as being the best are very productive, and the chestnut seed are huge in size and tops in quality. Another nut, the chinquapin, is rare and exotic choices for nut collectors, but 10 years ago, chinquapin trees, (chinkapin trees) occurred as native trees throughout the South growing in enormous tree groups, where families collected the chinquapins for winter eating, and wildlife animals also gathered and feasted on chinquapins during the Fall and Winter months from Alabama forests. Ducks, geese and even deer flocked to the chinquapin trees to satisfy their appetites on thin shell chinquapins. The deadly chestnut blight killed most of chinquapin trees growing in Al and most other States, but Auburn University, Alabama, professors have been hybridizing this nut tree using blight resistant surviving strains of chinquapins to be intercrossed. Black Walnut trees are a favorite Alabama nut tree, and a special, early bearing, Thomas black Walnut trees, are excellent AL nut trees, and large specimens of Thomas black walnut trees often can bear a few walnuts the first year after planting. Walnut trees are not only important trees grown for the nuts, but in Northern Alabama, black walnut trees grow into huge sizes, and single specimens of trees have been shown to sell for tens of thousands of dollars for each tree. Chinese chestnut trees are very cold hardy and have been inter-hybridized with the native American Chestnut to produce a blight free American chestnut tree that produces excellent quality nuts, just like the Colonial American chestnuts that covered AL forests. Discover the best Alabama fruit trees that flourish in local backyard gardens are apricot trees that produce high quality apricots.AL trees such as peach trees are a choice orchard fruit tree in Al., but the Nectarine (fuzzless peach) is rapidly replacing the commercial Peach tree in backyard gardens, even though the fuzz on the peach makes it much more resistant to disease problems in the very humid Southern States. The black cherry tree (Black Tartarian cherry) grows very well North of Montgomery, Al., and Birmingham, and reliable crops of cherries can be expected to grow the first year, if a gardener can locate and buy a bearing size cherry tree. Planting Japanese persimmon trees has become a craze in zone 8 of Southern Alabama, and the non-astringent Fuyu persimmon tree appears the best choice for commercial persimmon orchards, as well as for the backyard gardener. American persimmon trees are well known and are a native persimmon tree to Alabama. Persimmons are an extremely important food for wildlife animals like deer, duck and other game birds during the fall and winter, when other wildlife food plots have been exhausted. American persimmon trees are widely planted by hunters on wildlife hunting preserves that, most assuredly, will draw in hoards of whitetail deer and flocks of turkey and other wildlife birds and animals. Mulberry trees are also an excellent food for wildlife animals in early spring when they are the first fruit to ripen. White mulberry and red mulberry trees fruit heavily in April when food for wildlife is scarce. Ty Ty Nursery also offers grafted, black and red mulberry trees that will usually bear fruit during the first year if planting is done early. Alabama wild muscadine grape vines are native to woodlands, however, new cultivars of muscadine grapevines have a higher quality, greater flavor and reliable productivity and are now planted in many Alabama vineyards. Scuppernong grape vines and muscadine grapevines have created a new commercial agricultural industry in Alabama. Many Alabama gardeners plant seedless bunch grapevines for use as table grapes, however, most seedless grapes do not produce as much sugar and sweetness as the bunch grape that retain their grape seeds, such as the Concord grapevine and the Niagara grape. Many gardeners get bunch grapes to plant and make the top grades of grape wine, because of the high sugar content that produces a high quality wine. Rabbiteye blueberry planting has been increasingly popular in generating cash income for pick-your-own operators, and recently some Alabama commercial blueberry plantings have been made. The Rabbiteye blueberry plant appears to clearly be the most suitable blueberry cultivars of choice to plant by the berry enthusiast. The Tifblue blueberry variety is the best to pollinate with the Brightblue blueberry plant. Buy the best two different blueberry plant varieties that are usually found necessary to plant for the best pollination of blueberry plants. Discover the top high quality tips and growing information from reviews of Ty Ty Nursery, on the website. For establishing a fast growing plant growth to outline a privacy boundary for golf course fairways and greens in Alabama in cities like, Birmingham, Mobile and Montgomery, AL bamboo plants will block out automobile noises and convert the harmful fumes of carbon dioxide into healthy Oxygen. Large bamboo clumps are densely populated with culms (canes, poles, stems) that are thickly populated with dense leaves that will reduce the noisy traffic of automobiles that pollute the air with toxic fumes of carbon dioxide and convert them into oxygen. The surface of stalks of different bamboo cultivars have beautiful colors of gold, black-green or waxy blue, and the stems or leaves can be randomly variegated. For the private homeowners in Alabama, bamboo plants are the perfect privacy block that will limit the traffic of unwanted people from entering your property. Plant your own living bamboo fence by ordering from Ty Ty Bamboo Nursery, and the plants will be boxed and shipped ty UPS immediately and directly to your house or business at any time during the year. Most gardeners who plant shade trees are looking to buy a larger tree or a fast growing tree to get cooling shade as fast as possible at their home or office. The 'catch 22' about planting a fast-growing-tree is that the tree has soft wood with less lignin and cellulose deposited in the bark, ending up with a tree that breaks apart very easily, and the soft wood is more likely to be attacked and damaged by beetles, worms and fungus, as well as being more susceptible to cold weather damage or tree death. Alabama gardeners are faced with planting shade trees in USDA growing zones of 7, 8 and 9, therefore, the trees suggested here are shade trees that will and must survive zero degrees F. in AL. The Red Maple tree is a native Alabama tree and is radiant red in the fall color leaf display, and the red leaves appear again in the very early spring when the red maple tree comes to life. The Red Oak Tree and the White Oak tree are very good slow growing shade trees that glow brightly in the fall. In Alabama Bald Cypress trees become excellent shade trees, along with the Pond Cypress tree, the latter tree preferring wet feet. For best growing in AL.,, the fast growing trees are the Elm tree, Tulip Poplar tree and Weeping Willow trees all that would be a good choice for fast shade. Catalpa trees give good shade and flowers that are fragrant and spectacular. The worms on the leaves make good fish bait. A Sassafras tree grows fast with good shade and grow into a fragrant garden delight. The Lombardy poplar trees may be the fastest growing tree that is planted in Alabama as a shade tree and a privacy screen or a wind blocker. The Sour Wood tree produces some of the most vibrant colored leaves in the fall. Wildlife trees, nuts and berries are important to Alabama animal conservationists and hunters. The most important wildlife fruit trees are the Pear tree, the wild crabapple tree and the native American persimmon trees that all bear fruit during the fall when other wildlife food is scarce. The native, Alabama, Chickasaw plum tree and the red, black and white mulberry trees produce heavy fruit sources for deer and birds like the pheasant during the early spring and summer months. One of the most stable sources of acorns is the Sawtooth oak tree that begins a production of acorns as early as 3 years. The Gobbler Oak tree is a smaller version in acorn size of the parent, sawtooth oak tree that birds and smaller animals like quail and dove seem to prefer. The Turkey oak, of course, attracts flocks of turkey in the fall with its acorn crop. The white oak tree is a heavy acorn producer one of the deer favorites when the tree matures. The Autumn olive tree and the Ogeechee lime tree are excellent wildlife providers of fall food supplies. Thorny blackberry plants offer wildlife animals protection from predators and blackberries and dewberries to eat along the forest edge in early summer. The elderberry bushes and the strawberry bush are strong attractants for deer and game birds. All owners of pecan orchards dread the encroachment of white tailed deer, crows and squirrels in the fall, and the hickory tree nuts and the chestnut trees are a favorite hangout for a trophy deer deer. For fishermen the Catalpa shade tree will keep him supplied with fish worms during the summer and fall when they are feasting on the catalpa leaves. There are many flowering trees that grow in Alabama, the white, red and pink dogwood trees are native flowering trees and the redbud tree flowers alongside the dogwood tree early in the spring at the same time that the wisteria tree (vine) flowers. Crape myrtle trees (shrubs) are one of the most important summer flowering trees, with their popular leaf color changes and ornamental peeling bark, the Red Dynamite Crape Myrtle, the White Natchez crape myrtle tree and the Pink Miami crape myrtles. Many new crape myrtle cultivars, such as the True Blue Dwarf Crape myrtle and the Yuma are really special shrubs. The Purple Cow dwarf crape myrtle is a true dwarf that rarely grows more than 6 feet tall. The oleander shrub that can be formed into an oleander tree by pruning the bottom limbs off is a spectacular flowering tree beginning in late spring and blooming up into the fall in popular colors of Firestarter red, pink and white, and the rare colors of purple, yellow and apricot oleanders can grow up to 25 feet tall, and all oleanders thrive in coastal areas like Mobile, AL., where they are salt water tolerant and even grow in sand dunes. The Southern Magnolia tree, Magnolia grandiflora, not only is a great shade tree in Alabama, but it also is a good flowering tree that produces giant, aromatic flowers, beginning in May and flowering until the fall, but remains as an evergreen flowering tree. The Little Magnolia trees are dwarf clones of the Southern Magnolia tree, and perfect for Alabama gardens. Many Alabama gardeners look for plants that require little or no growing attention, and the agave plants, yucca trees and aloe plants are a good choice since they are desert plants and most of these will grow in zone 7,8 or 9 over the entire State in the landscape. The Agave americana is a native American plant that most people call the "Century plant" as an evergreen succulent, fleshy leafed plant that requires no fertilizer, no addition of water or chemicals to fight insects or disease. The Agave americana also grows in a variegated striped leaf form called Agave americana "Marginata" The Agave american 'Medio-Picta Alba" is considered by many to be the most beautiful agave with its clear brilliant stripe that bisects the center of the leaf. The Agave attenuata is called the "Spineless Agave" and is absent of teeth or terminal spikes on the leaves. The Agave tequilana is a huge agave plant that is harvested in Mexico commercially to ferment the juice in the alcoholic beverage, tequila. Yucca plants make dramatic statements as specimens in the landscape and are extremely cold hardy and evergreen to zone 5. The Spanish Bayonet is fitted with punishing and lethal leaves that terminate in a sharp spike that will burglar-proof your windows when planted beneath. The Joshua Tree, Yucca brevifolia is an evergreen yucca plant that grows into a 16 ft. tree. The brightly striped variegated leaves of the Yucca filamentosa , Color Guard, is an eyecatcher when planted as a yard specimen. The Yucca rostrata grows into thousand year old evergreen trees that look weird and unearthly in the tree form. The Red Yucca grows red leaves during the wintertime. The Aloe vera is an aloe plant that is best grown inside a container that has a juice that cures flesh burns, stings and wounds, and sends up beautiful flower stalks in the spring. |