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The graceful hanging limbs of the weeping willow tree are especially useful in providing that dramatic form a look that makes it the classic lake tree or seaside tree specimen that is salt water tolerant. The branches of the weeping willow trees can sometimes grow four feet in a single season and the dense leaf formations provide an excellent block for roadside noises. Mature weeping willow trees can grow 50 feet tall and withstand extremely cold climates of zones 3 to 9 where temperatures can drop to 35 degrees below zero. The Weeping Willow Tree is adapted to grow in most states and is extreamly cold hardy.• Weeping Willows are one of the most easily recognizable shade trees. A Weeping Willow is very calming and pleasing to the eye the long, thin branches hang gracefully and sway gently in even the slightest breeze. While it is often found near ponds to prevent erosion but it adapts well to many soil conditions. Many hotels plant the Green Weeping Willow Tree outside of the lobby and prune off the lower branches to view in and out of the lobby. The tree can begin growing leaves in early March. A Weeping Willow Tree is one of the most cold hardy shade trees growing in almost every State, and can grow up to 8 feet in a single year. The Weeping Willow tree grows well near water, yet has some drought tolerance. • The leaves of this tree are long and narrow, most between 2-1/2 and 6 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. Slightly wider near the base. Light green with a finely toothed margin. It is graceful and refined, easily recognized by its open crown of ground-sweeping branches. Extracts from willow bark contain salicin which acts as an anti-inflammatory similar to aspirin. The weeping willow tree is refined and graceful and is easily recognized by the wide open crown of branches sweeping downwards towards the ground. In the early spring the narrow long leaves of the weeping willow begin to appear and grow vigorously until the fall when the entire tree changes into a brilliant golden globe. Weeping willow trees often are planted as shade trees near houses to reduce the extremely high cost of electricity.