With their natural cooling ability, shade trees are a great asset to every home, office, parking lot, and store. With increasingly expensive electricity bills, shade trees can protect your house from the sun and cool your home without inflating your power bills. Shade trees can also offer refuge for parking lots as they offer protection to parked cars from excessive heating during the summertime months.
If you enjoy gardening but your plants suffer from getting too much sun, a shade tree can act as a shelter for your shade-loving plants and shrubs to save them from drying out and dying. Furthermore, state and city agencies will plant shade trees along well-traveled roads to cool the asphalt and concrete roadways that reflect the heat to try and reduce the air temperature.
In addition to their many uses and abilities, shade trees are generally bright in leaf color, and can add a great aesthetic quality to any location with the flowers they produce. Order your shade tree today from our vast selection, including oak, maple, and elm trees. Ty Ty Nursery gladly ships nation-wide with UPS.