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Blood Lily

Buy Blood Lily from Ty Ty Plant Nursery LLC
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The Blood Lily plant in Florida is commonly known as the: 'Haemanthus', and the globular red flower head grows on a one and one-half foot tall stem that is capped by a round blood-red cluster of tiny filaments that forms a spectacular six inch wide inflorescence, the size of a large saucer. The pale green leaves are wide and distinctively scoop shaped. This rarely marketed flower bulb is common in Florida gardens, and usually begins flowering in June. The red blooms maintain a fresh appearance for about one week or more. The Haemanthus bulb normally responds vigorously, when it is grown in the heavy shade and is cold hardy when planted outside in Northern Florida, but for best results this lily must be grown as a container plant in Northern zones of the U.S.

• This Blood Lily is a favorite among both people and animals. The vibrant red colors attracts the attention of a wide variety of people, including dogs and hummingbirds. The vivid red colors of the flowers of the Blood Lily Flowering Bulb are profound to see. Blood lilies are rare and spectacular, as a Spring flower to be grown either outside,or inside.

• The 1 ft. flower from the Blood Lily Flowering Bulb stem appears in the month of June very suddenly and rapidly develops into a complex cellular explosion of pistils and stamens. The 8 inch round Blood Lily flowers are composed of about 180 red stamens that radiate outward from the center perched on top of the flower stem.

• For those garden bulb collectors who are attracted to rare, exotic bulbs, the Blood lily, Haemanthus multiflorus, is an African native eyecatcher that should occupy your special perennial planting.

• The Blood Lily is a South African native with over 180 flowers at the end of a single stem. The blooms have very narrow petals that can be distinguished from the stamen only on close inspection. The Blood Lily makes a great cut flower.It blooms once per season, lasts for 2 weeks in the summer and prefers partial or heavy shade. The dazzling, red globular flowers of the Blood Lily Flowering Bulbs are some of the most intricate floral creations in the lily family.

  • Flowering Bulbs - Blood Lily
  • Blood Lily Plant
  • Haemanthus multiflorus Blood Lily

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