Arkansas Trees![]() Buy Arkansas Fruit Trees, Shade Tree, Nut Trees, Grapevines, Flowering Tree, Bamboo Plant and Berry PlantsThe State of Arkansas has three growing zones USDA that are 6, 7, and 8, so that planting the cold hardy selection of tree, vine or plant will determine whether the plant will live,be damaged or killed by very cold winters. Many people want to plant large trees or set out fast-growing-trees in order to harvest a big crop sooner or get shade fast on the home, but trees that are fast growing produce weaker cells with less lignin and cellulose on the inner cell wall, so that the cold temperatures can severely affect the survival of the tree. Slower growing trees and plants are sometimes the best choice. Arkansas is a very important State for backyard gardening, and planting berry bushes, berry plants commercially. Arkansas fruit tree production has been vigorously promoted by the University of Arkansas. Academic researchers who have developed new and improved cultivars of blackberry plants that have virtually eclipsed the older, thornless, obsolete blackberry cultivars that came from Cornell University horticulture researcher at Ithaca, New York at the turn of the last century. The huge size of Arkansas blackberry fruit is commonly rounder than a quarter, and the blackberry shelf -life has been increased to a point, where these blackberries are being commercially planted throughout the U.S. and the world. Pick-your-own blackberry planting is widespread including both thorny blackberry plants and thornless blackberry plants that are being harvested commercially. New thornless blackberries have been bred that have rich sweet flavors, and obsolete cultivars like black satin blackberries lacked,. The new blackberry ripening times have been extended, thus, these berries extend the blackberry marketing season. The new Arkansas hybrid blackberry plants are now being grown in commercial planting sites in South and Central America and the ripe berries can be marketed fast, by prompt airplane deliveries to U.S. and European berry markets all year. Arkansas University should be given the highest credit for transforming blackberry marketing that had remained static for a century,with berries that were only available to a home gardener, because of the extremely perishable nature of the blackberries. Every Arkansas backyard gardener is able to grow thorny and thornless blackberry plants that are virtually free of problems, and the blackberry harvest is rich with bush ripened flavor that is available over an extended season. The Cold Hardy Chicago Hardy Fig tree has been approved to grow in USDA zone 5, along with the TN Mountain Fig, and other important home grown fig trees for growing in Arkansas, the Brown Turkey Fig, White Italian Fig tree and the Black Mission fig trees are among the large selection that you may decide to try to grow on Discover the Arkansas Blueberry plantings and raspberry plantings that have been also greatly improved by newly available Rabbiteye blueberry plants that grow berries with quarter size berries. The Rabbiteye blueberry can be harvested over a period of several months, if the proper variety selection is made. Red Raspberry plants are the garden choice for Arkansas Gardens, however, black, gold and purple raspberries can all be grown in Northern parts of the State around Mountain Home, Arkansas. Fruit trees are grown throughout Arkansas, especially the Arkansas Black apple, is an apple tree that is also grown extensively nationally because of its rich taste, crispiness and productivity. Apple trees must be pollinated by planting another apple tree close by, and the crabapple tree is perfect to cross pollinate all apples, because the flower pollen ripens over an extended period that will overlap the necessary apple tree pollen susceptibility. Peach trees and Nectarine trees are planted throughout Arkansas and the peaches and nectarines are very productive on the Ar State soil profiles that favor peach tree production. Pear trees are a common orchard tree in USDA zones 6 and 7, and the Flordahome pear is just right for the mild climate in Zone 8. Get the top reviews and Ty Ty Nursery information on for the best AR fruit trees to buy. Many shade trees produce excellent shade in Arkansas that will lower your electric power bill, increase your land value, stop soil erosion and provide food and lodging for wildlife animals and game birds. The Tulip Poplar tree is covered with large beautiful green leaves and yellow flowers shaped like fragrant tulips appear in June. The Southern Magnolia tree, Magnolia grandiflora is a giant shade tree and also a beautiful flowering tree that provides a very deep shade in the summer, and in May becomes covered with basketball size white flowers that are very fragrant. The Little Gem Magnolia is considered to be a dwarf magnolia that grows slower with flowers that are more frequently produced but about half the size as the Southern Magnolia. Arkansas Sycamore trees and Weeping Willow trees are fast growing and provide fast shade. The Sourwood tree, Sweet Gum tree, and the Ginkgo trees are spectacularly brilliant with color in the fall. The loblolly pine tree, elm trees and the fast growing slash pine tree form good shade and a privacy block to line out at property boundaries. River Birch, Bald Cypress trees and Pond Cypress tree will give excellent shade in wet spots. The large growing Sassafras tree is fragrant in all parts, and the Catalpa tree is also called the, "Fish Bait" tree and provides worms for the Arkansas fishermen.The Lombardy poplar tree is a very fast growing tree that can exceed 8 feet of growth in a year and the Lombardy shade tree is often planted in rows where it acts as a good fast growing privacy screen or as a wind blocker. The Sour Wood tree is one of the most brilliant colored shade tree in the fall. There are many beautiful and successfully grown Arkansas flowering trees, some like the dogwood tree, the redbud tree, and crabapple trees, that also produce an edible fruit. Flowering peach trees produce multi-colored flower of red, white and pink. The white flowering pear tree is an early bloomer with pure white flowers in the spring. The apricot is the earliest flowering tree, sometimes blooming in Jan or Feb., then re-blooming later during spring warmups. Japanese pink, Kwanzan cherry trees are mid-spring bloomers, and the white, flowering, Yoshino Japanese cherry flowers at the same time. Crape Myrtle trees are excellent shrubs that grow into trees in many colors, the most popular colors are white red and pink. Other unusual crape myrtle colors are lavender, blue and white, mostly new introductions to the mail order trade. The oleander flowering shrub also grows into a tree at maturity and is salt water tolerant, drought resistant and the flowering period is extended much like crape myrtle trees, except much longer, lasting 8 months often in Arkansas. Muscadine grape vine and scuppernong grapevine vineyards flourish in Arkansas, The red flame grape vine produces an excellent seedless grape and the Blue Concord seedless and the White seedless grapes are excellent for Arkansas vineyards. Hunters are interested in wildlife animal conservation information that directs them to the best places to find that trophy deer, quail or turkey. The deer congregated in the fall to eat scarce fruit from the wildlife Pear trees, American persimmon trees and the native American crabapple tree. The Chickasaw plums and three colors of mulberries are favorite summer fruits, especially the mayhaw that ripens in May. The sawtooth oak tree is a fast acorn producer in only 5 years, the Gobbler oak and Turkey oak trees attract white tailed deer and game birds. At maturity the white oak trees provide extremely large acorn crops. The pecan, hickory and chestnuts are nut tree wildlife favorites that ripen in the fall. The Autumn olive trees and Ogeechee lime trees are heavy fruit bearers. The elderberry bushes, and strawberry bushes are favorite wildlife animal hangouts, and the blackberry plant thorns and dewberry plant offer predator protection and plentiful berries for eating. The black walnut tree, pecan tree and the American filbert trees are native nuts to Arkansas. The Hall's hardy almond tree will survive and produce tasty almonds in the State. AR nut tree orchards are growing nut trees such as the native black walnut tree is an important nut tree producer in Arkansas forests, and the very expensive black walnut tree lumber is a valuable nut tree to grow for expensive furniture and cabinets. Pecan trees are becoming a valuable nut tree to buy and grow in Arkansas, where the demand for easy to shell papershell pecans are highly productive and the pecan kernels are richly oily with a distinct and unique taste. Pecan pies are a essential dessert for the celebration at the Thanksgiving table. Chinquapins and American Chestnut Trees once covered the forest floors of Arkansas with delicious nuts, but the Chestnut blight ravaged the ancient American native chestnut tree native plantings, and the chestnut relative, chinquapin tree. The American native chestnut tree now is available to purchase as a blight resistant tree. New resistant trees of Chestnuts and Chinquapins show promise of repopulating the home nut orchards of Arkansas gardeners and all fruit trees, nut trees and berry plants are available during the fall shipping season at by calling 888-758-2252. Arkansas bamboo plant living privacy screens are important whether planted in El Dorado in the deep Southern Arkansas or in Northern AR like Fort Smith and Fayetteville. Bamboo privacy screens are easy to grow in a damp organic-base soil, either when planted in full sun or in partial shade. The bright gold stems are highly ornamental, or you might choose to plant waxy black-green bamboo stems or blue Henon colored stalks. Not only do the AR bamboo plants offer improved privacy, but they also provide a fast growing wind break and control for stopping soil erosion. Arkansas bamboo plants must be carefully selected for cold hardiness and the winter of 2014 proved to be especially harsh on tropical bamboo selections that did not survive below zero F. cold temperatures. For immediate shipment of cold hardy bamboo, Ty Ty Bamboo Nursery,, an box the bamboo and deliver your order directly to your home or business any time of the year. Many exotic desert plants with unearthly shapes such as the aloe plant, yucca tree and agave plants grow in Arkansas gardens as cold hardy ornamental plants and also make popular dish garden plants or container plants. The Agave americana plant grows into a very large specimen of 6 feet tall with fleshy thorny leaves with a spike at the terminal. This agave plant will send up a giant flower stalk 20-30 ft. with an impressive flower stalk of white lantern shaped blooms, after which the plant dies, but many offset plants grow at the base to renew the species. This Agave americana 'Marginate" form of the plant has variegated white stripes along the leaf edges that make a vibrant contrast with the blue-green leaves. The Agave attenuata plant is a spineless leafed plant with juicy fleshy leaves. The Agave angustifolia 'Marginata" is a stiff, hard leafed plant that makes an attractive landscape specimen. The Agave tequilana plant juice from the leaves is used to make the fermented drink, tequila. The native plant to AR,, Spanish Bayonet, Yucca gloriosa tree is a a giant plant that can grow to 16 ft. tall with sharp pointed leaves that sends up white beautiful flowers that are lily-like in the spring. The Joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia,can grow very tall and some specimens live to be over 1000 years. The Yucca rostrata forms a tall elegant trunk with needle-like leaves that will live in all areas of Arkansas. The red Yucca, Hesperaloe parviflora plant has filaments curling off the leaves, and the leaves turn a red color in the winter, and a 3 ft flower stalk is topped with orange fuzzy flowers in the spring. The Aloe vera plant has juicy leaves that will when rubbed onto the skin will heal burns, stings and insect bites. The Aloe vera plant sends up a beautiful orange tall flower stalk in the spring. |