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Hickory Trees

Shagbark hickory and shellbark hickory trees produce crunchy flavored nuts to eat, and many gardeners consider that the hickory nut and pecan are the finest nuts to taste and grow. The hickories prefer to grow in wet locations, and usually don't bear nuts until the tree grows to be about 15 feet tall, but the hickory tree is a dependable yearly nut producer once bearing starts.

Shagbark Hickory Tree Shagbark Hickory Tree

USDA Zones 5-10

Shellbark Hickory Tree Shellbark Hickory Tree

USDA Zones 5-9

Water Hickory Tree Water Hickory Tree

USDA Zones 5-9

White Hickory Tree White Hickory Tree

USDA Zones 3-11

  • Shagbark Hickory Tree
    Shagbark Hickory trees will survive low temperatures of minus 10 degrees and are also native trees, which ultimatly allows this tree to be grow in most States.
  • Water Hickory Nuts
    Hickory nuts are hard to crack, however, if the nuts are soaked overnight in water the nuts are then much easier to open and allows for perfect halves to be collected..
  • Hickory Nut and Hican
    Hickory Nut Trees are native nut trees and are suitable to grow in most States due to its ability to withstand cold weather. The Hickory can be hybridized with a pecan nut to form a Hican that produces delicious nuts.