New Hampshire Trees![]() Buy Fruit Trees, Flowering tree, Shade Tree, Grapevines, Nut Trees, Berry and Bamboo Plants in New Hampshire.Numerous kinds of fruit trees can be planted by the New Hampshire home gardener, and most gardeners look for a bush or tree that will produce fruit in a hurry, or fast shade in a hurry. There are a couple of options, either plant a large tree or vine or set out a fast growing tree, The problem here is that fast growing trees or plants, the cell walls will enlarge and elongate rapidly, but less lignin and cellulose content that is normally deposited in the cell walls is in low concentrations, thus making the tree vulnerable to sudden temperature drops so that the plant may be damaged of killed. Slow growing trees or plants are sometimes the best choice for extreme cold weather temperatures. The NH winter effects the hardiness of the fruit tree that is selected.. Very important other factors that affect a cold hardy fruit tree survival is the consideration to stop fertilizing and NO fall or winter pruning of the N.H. fruit trees. It is important to plant healthy fruit trees that should normally experience little or no growth as the winter approaches. Many N.H. gardeners paint the trunks of the fruit trees with a whitewash or a lime-water mixture to reflect the light away from tree trunk when the thawing takes place during the winter “Indian Summer.” Harm can occur on the fruit tree trunk of twigs from sun scald and can damage the tree trunk. Two cultivars of fig trees will grow in New Hampshire, if these cold hardy figs are properly mulched. The Chicago Hardy fig trees have survived extreme cold temperatures in IL, in 2014, and the Tennessee Mountain Fig tree that was found growing near Nashville, has survived extremely cold temperatures when properly planted and mulched during extreme winters.Peach trees such as the Hale Haven and the Red Haven Peach tree will grow well in Southern New Hampshire and can survive cold hardy temperatures of minus 10 degrees F. Plum trees such as Ozark Premier, Methley and Burbank will show cold hardy tolerance in New Hampshire orchards and native (wild) plums show perhaps the highest cold hardiness in southern and central New Hampshire orchards Apricot trees can produce crops of apricots in the same zones as peach trees and plum trees. Cold hardy pear trees can only be grown in southern N.H. Sour cherry (tart) trees are much more cold hardy than sweet cherries, however, the sweet cherry, black tartarian cherry tree can be planted in Southern New Hampshire. The red Montmorency cherry and the North Star cherries can be grown to be used as pie (sour) cherries successfully. Shade trees such as the Red Maple tree, Weeping Willow trees and the Sugar Maple shade tree can be easily grown to shade New Hampshire homes, and the cooling shade will drastically cut your electric bills during the summer. Sassafras trees and Green Ash trees will grow into very large shade trees and the brilliant leaf color during the fall is dramatic. Many N.H. gardeners prefer to transplant native trees as useful shade trees, because centuries of repeated survival the tough winters cold frigid temperatures has proven their cold hardiness. The Ginkgo, Sweet Gum and the Sour Wood trees glow in the fall plethora of brilliant colors. The Lombardy poplar shade tree grows very fast, up to 8 feet the first transplant year and provides an excellent privacy screen or a wind blocker. The Cleveland white flowering pear tree produces beautiful foliage and clusters of white flowers in early spring. The Japanese flowering Kwanzan cherry tree produces pink fluffy flowers, and the Japanese Yoshino flowering white cherry tree blooms in late spring. The Japanese flowering Magnolia tree is covered in early spring with aromatic pink flowers the size of a dinner plate. The white dogwood and the pink redbud trees are both native plants to the United States and flower profusely in New Hampshire. The Sassafras tree is also a brilliant yellow flowering tree in the summer with large clusters of fragrant yellow flowers. Many berry farmers in New Hampshire plant either native blueberry plants or improved blueberry plant cultivars. Red raspberry plant farms are very productive and the black raspberry or purple raspberry plants will show some cold hardiness in sheltered southern N.H. sites. The thornless Arapaho blackberry plant is a favorite N.H. berry plant. Nut trees such as filberts or American Hazelnuts nut tree will survive in orchards in NH. Some black walnut trees have produced nuts in New Hampshire, but most often, the white walnut or butternut is a favorite nut tree that produces reliably. Some Chinese chestnut trees have been shown to produce chestnuts in New Hampshire, but the American Chestnut tree, now with blight resistant traits, is successfully growing a few in New Hampshire nut orchards. Wildlife conservation and food preservation are important to bird and animals lovers and hunters. The black mulberry trees produce juicy mulberries in the spring and summer that are eaten by game birds and deer. The Kieffer pear tree and the American persimmon trees are loaded with fragrant ripening fruit in the fall before the winter food scarcity begins. The native crabapple trees, Chickasaw plum tree and the fish worm tree, the Catalpa tree are very prolific producers. The sawtooth oak tree reaches acorn producing age in five years and is a fast growing tree. The Gobbler oak tree grows small acorns in size that are easy for turkey to crack open, and at maturity the white oak tree is in full acorn production mode. Tropical plants and fruits such as banana trees, pomegranate trees and fig trees have produced bananas, pomegranates and figs in New Hampshire greenhouses when grown in side glass during extended cold periods. Other popular indoor greenhouse fruits in N. H. are persimmon and guava trees. New Hampshire bamboo plantings of a fast growing privacy screen can be found from Manchester to Concord in the Southern part of the State and northwards to Pittsburg, N.H. Bamboo plants grow in clumps up to 30 feet tall with dense leaves that filter our the harmful fumes of automobiles and noise, and change the carbon dioxide gas into Oxygen gas. The stems of the bamboo are brightly colored, black-green, blue and waxy yellow, and the privacy fence will limit traffic on your property of unwanted visitors and animals. Bamboo is easy to grow in either partial shade or full sunshine, and the clump thrives in damp organic type soils. In New Hampshire, bamboo plants must be cold hardy and will withstand below zero F temperatures during winters such as the killer snows and ice of the year, 2014. You can order a living bamboo fence in boxes from Ty Ty Bamboo Nursery that will be immediately and directly shipped fast by UPS to your business office or to your home, at any time during the year. For those plant collectors and tree lovers in New Hampshire, Yucca trees, Agave plants and Aloe plants are excellent and interesting specimens to grow in containers as ornamental displays. These plants are from the desert and require little or no care or attention, no fertilizer, no water and are armed with vicious leaves that are edged with spines and thorns and terminate with a sharp spike. The Aloe vera is used as a first aid plant, because the leaves contain a juice that treats and heals burns to the skin, open flesh wounds and stings and bites of bees and fire ants. The Century Plant, Agave americana 'Marginata' has striking stripes and variegation on the leaf edges like the Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard'. The Spanish Bayonet, Yucca gloriosa can grow up to 16 feet tall and in the spring forms a spectacular cluster of white flowers. |