Buy New York Fruit Trees, Fig, Shade Tree, Bamboo Plant, Flowering Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines and Nut Trees
Most New York gardeners are interested in planting a tree that produces fruit, shade or berries in a hurry. The question arises about whether to plant a large tree, or either to buy and transplant a fast growing tree. There is a problem with using this type of tricky logic, because the fast growing trees do not produce a high enough concentration of lignin or cellulose within the cell walls that insulate the tree or plant against cold damage or killing of the tree, because the exterior cell walls will sometimes collapse from the sudden drops caused by frigid temperatures, like those that were experienced during the extreme winter of the year, 2014. Many horticulturalists have recommended that New York gardeners should consider planting the slow growing trees.
Historically, fruit trees were researched in early America by plant collectors
at Flushing, New York by the Prince Nursery in the 1700's. That New
York nut tree Nursery was famous for its plant collection and
nursery offerings of New York fruit trees, berry bushes and nut trees
that were collected and then offered for sale. Even President George
Washington at the U.S. Capitol in New York City, N.Y., went to the Prince
Nursery at Flushing, N.Y. to buy pecan trees that had been collected
by the Lewis and Clark Expedition in Illinois territory and were
offered for sale there. President George Washington was interested in
planting a pecan tree orchard at his home, an extensive, 8000 acre farm estate
at Mount Vernon, where many other nut trees, such as filbert (hazelnut
tree) trees were also grown at selected nut orchard planting sites. The
New York Agricultural station that was located at The New York State Agricultural
College located on the campus of Cornell University, New York has
promoted black walnut research on filbert trees and the N.Y., Black
Walnut, Juglans nigra, and the White Walnut tree, Juglans cinerea
that all will flourish when planted in the Northern cities of
Watertown and the city, Massena that is located on the border with Canada . In the
New York nut tree growers mid- State cities of Utica, Syracuse and
the N.Y. Capitol, Albany, today can buy many cold hardy nut trees for
planting in N.Y. Orchards: trees such as walnut tree, filbert tree and
pecan trees. Cold hardy, grafted pecan trees like the James pecan,
Hican and other grafted pecan tree cultivars can be successfully
grown in Northern gardens, just like Prince Nursery, Flushing N.Y.
successfully did in early American history during the 1700's. The Hican is a cross
between the pecan, Carya illinoiensis and the Hickory tree. The Hican
nut has a flavor that lies midway, somewhere in between the hickory
nut and the pecan.
Roasted chestnuts for sale, once were a common sight on New York City
streets, and chestnuts are now a family tradition for thanksgiving and Christmas
banquet displays. Last century the American chestnut was a native
tree to N.Y. Forests. Today, only blight resistant American
chestnut. ( Castanea americana ) tree produces edible chestnuts for
roasting during the holidays. The blight resistant American chestnut
trees are available for you to buy now at Ty Ty Nursery online and can be
shipped immediately to your home by UPS when the dormant season
begins. Chinese Chestnut trees can also be grown very successfully in
New York nut tree orchards.
President George Washington was not only a lover of nut trees, but
he was the first American President who purchased the numerous
varieties of fruit trees that were offered for sale from the
Flushing, New York Nursery. Many rare native and imported kinds of
fruit trees that came to Prince Nursery were imported fruit trees
from Europe, and Asia. Medlar trees, were the most cold hardy fruit
tree ever introduced into America and can survive temperatures at
Syracuse, N.Y. Japanese persimmon trees and several extensive Fig
tree cultivars were available for N.Y. Gardeners. Fig Trees were a
favorite fruit tree for New Yorkers, that have been grown successfully in zone 5, 6 and 7. Those are the Chicago Hardy fig tree and the Tennessee Mountain fig trees that survived the extreme cold of the winter of 2014. Seasoned gardeners learned
techniques that wintered many other fig tree cultivars through the frigid New York cold snaps to ultimate produce black figs, purple figs and white
fig trees were researched at the Prince, New York nursery for
White mulberry, (Morus alba), trees and black mulberry, (Morus
nigra), trees were also offered for sale, and were bought by
President George Washington from the New York Nursery. White
mulberries and black mulberries were eaten by most New York colonists
farming at Rochester and Binghamton, and large mulberry tree planting
occurred around animal barns to feed domestic animals, and of course,
the mulberry tree fruit was a favorite food of wildlife game animals like
deer, and wildlife game birds that in turn were hunted by New York
farmers to feed their families. Wildlife animals, like deer, turkey
and many other birds were an important native American food source
for the New York colonists.
Many cold hardy apple trees like the Cortland apple trees, can be grown
in N.Y. Orchards and cities, Cortland, and Buffalo,
Red Delicious apple tree, and the Golden Delicious apple that can be grown
successfully, however, it is important to plant more than one apple
tree cultivar, since cross pollination is absolutely necessary to
grow good apples. Apple sauce and apple cider are important
bi-products of organic pick-you-own N.Y. apple orchards. Many cold
hardy plums are adapted for planting in down state orchards. Red plum
trees, gold plums and green plum trees all grow well, but the purple
Stanley plum trees are the most cold hardy plum trees to grow in
upstate N.Y. Orchards. Pear trees can grow in most N.Y. soil profiles
and the Kieffer pear is a hard pear, but time has proven it to be
adaptable to cold winter snows and ice, and the Kieffer pear is an
especially important fruit in attracting wildlife animals that
struggle to find food during New York Winters.
Several peach trees and nectarine trees can be successful for
planting in New York orchards in Southern New York cities of Long
Island, N.Y., and New York City, itself. Cornell University,
Ithaca, N.Y. Is one of the National, ultimate authorities on fruit trees and peach tree
cultivars, and the University suggests the top peaches to plant at
the N.Y. Agricultural station are instructional, printed bulletins in
Ithaca, N.Y., at the publication desk.
Cherry trees can be grown throughout New York State, and the sour
cherry tree is the most cold hardy that will survive at upstate N.Y.
The best sour cherry tree for planting is the Montmorency cherry
tree or the North Star cherry trees. Downstate N.Y. orchards can grow
sweet cherries, like the Black Tartarian cherry tree and the Bing
cherry tree and the Bing, purple cherry tree. Flowering cherry trees
flourish in New York and are beautifully cloaked with flowers in the
early spring.. The Akebone flowering cherry tree covers the
recreational grounds at Central Park in N.Y.C. with fluffy,
pink-white flowers. Other important flowering cherry trees are the
Japanese Yoshino flowering cherries and the pink Kwanzan cherry. Many other flowering trees are
recommended for N.Y., such as the White Dogwood tree, Pink Dogwood
trees and Redbud trees that grow as native, American, flowering
The Southern Magnolia tree, Magnolia grandiflora and the dwarf counterpart, Little Gem magnolia trees are excellent white flowering evergreen trees. The Japanese flowering saucer magnolia trees flower early in the spring, but the earliest flowering tree is the pink flowering almond tree.
Many grapevines are recommended for growing in New York vineyards
The Concord grape vine is perhaps, the most famous grape for fresh
eating, as a table grape, for grape juice and grape wine. The Concord
grape vine grows a grape with or without seed, called a seedless grape. The
Niagara bunch grape is a white grape, and the Fredonia bunch grape is jet
black in color. The Catawba red grape is red and grows in bunches and is
excellent to grow for grape wine or as a table grape. Extensive grape
vine research has been published by the New York State Agricultural
Research station at the campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.
Many types of raspberry plant cultivars are planted throughout
upstate N.Y., and the Bristol Red raspberry plant grows at many
organic New York berry farms. Black raspberry bushes, such as the
Cumberland raspberry bush and Black Hawk raspberry bush are adapted
for planting in New York gardens.
Organic blueberry, pick-your-own, farms grow several cultivars of
blueberries bushes for summer blueberry picking. The thorn free
blackberry plant is a thornless type of blackberry bush that grows
well on blackberry, pick-your-own, organic farms, and many new
cultivars of blackberry plant varieties are now available for
planting in New York Gardens that originated by researchers at the
University of Arkansas.
Since New York has 5 growing zones, a vast number of plants vines and trees can be grown in the State. The Maple trees, Sassafras tree and the Green Ash tree are the most cold hardy shade trees that grow huge in size. Oak Trees, Elm trees and the Sourwood trees turn brilliant glowing colors in the fall. The Ginkgo trees, the River Birch trees and the Bald Cypress tree change to a bright yellow color during the fall. The Weeping Willow trees, the Tulip Poplar tree and the Sycamore trees are very fast growing to provide good shade during the first year of planting. Planting shade trees will dramatically cut your electric power bill, will reduce soil erosion in your yard and increase the value of your property as they mature. The Lombardy poplar tree is a very fast growing tree that can grow as much as 8 feet in a single growing season, and is very useful to plant as a privacy screen or a wind block when planted in dense close rows. The Sour Wood tree and the Sweet Gum trees are famous for their dramatic display of colors during the fall leaf displays.
Wildlife animal preservation and food conservation are very important to bird lovers, hunters and animal lovers. In New York wildlife Kieffer pear trees are slow ripening, hard pears that deer love to eat when they fall beneath the trees in the fall. The ripening aroma and scent of the pears and from beneath the American persimmon trees attract all sorts of wildlife animals, some of the most important being deer, squirrels and game birds. The seedling crabapple tree, the Chickasaw plum tree and the mulberry trees are heavy producers of highly scented fruit that attracts hungry birds and deer. The thorns of the blackberry plants and the dewberry vines protect small birds and small animals from the stalker predators and the blackberries are a good food source for wildlife animals. Other berries that wildlife birds like are grown on elderberry bushes, strawberry bushes and autumn olive trees. Hardy seedling pecan trees, hickory nut trees and Chinese chestnut trees mature slow developing nuts that fall intermittently during the fall and winter feeding the wildlife animals and game birds. The Gobbler oak tree, the white oak tree and the fast growing sawtooth oak trees are filled with ripening acorns and mast that offer an extended food source during the growing season.
For those enthusiastic gardeners and plant lovers in New York, Yucca trees will grow outside in all temperature zones, except for not in zones 3 and 4. The Spanish Bayonet plant, Yucca gloriosa, the Color Guard Yucca tree, Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' and the Joshua Tree, Yucca brevifolia are very cold hardy plants. The Red Yucca plant, Hesperaloe parviflora, grows red leaves during the cold of the NY winters, and the leaves revert back to green in the Spring. The Yucca plants are arid desert plants and will not need extra care and maintenance, because the thick woody, fleshy leaves are storehouses of water reserves, and no fertilizer is required at all, making the Yuccas very drought resistant, whereas most other plants die from stress. The Agave plants and Aloe plants are also strange desert plants with weird unearthly forms and exotic looking with unbelievable prickles, fleshy thorns, thick spines and tipped on the the leaves with sharp spikes and send out a warning to unaccompanied children to BEWARE. The native American Century Plants, Agave americana 'Marginata' is a beautifully variegated leaf form with white stripes coursing the length of the leaves that glow with a brilliant iridescence. The Agave angustifolia 'Marginata very similarly is variegated, but with hard stiff leaves that emerge at a right angle from the stem of the plant. The Agave vilmoriniana 'Octopus', like the Latinized name suggests, has dangerous looking thick, fleshy leaves that curl backwards, similarly like the tentacles of an octopus. The Agave tequilana has an internal cellular, syrupy juice that when squeezed out of the leaves and fermented, yields an alcoholic beverage named, 'tequila', a strong bar drink. There is an attractive soft leaf Agave attenuata that has the blue-green coloring of shark skin that is called the 'spineless agave.' The Agave Manfreda is a strangely uncanny shaped plant with fleshy, vari-colored leaves. In its native plant growing State of VA the Agave Manfreda is known as the 'Rattlesnake Aloe' and its serpentine appearance invites caution when a person is approaching the plant that usually is growing in a nursery container. Many of these unusual plants from the sandy deserts of the world can be grown out of doors in New York, but agave plants and aloe plants, of course, can be easily grown in a container during the winter months and then, grown successfully inside the office or home. The Aloe vera plant is a storehouse of juicy liquids that bring relief to complaints of pain from the vicious bites and stingers like from hornets, yellow jackets and bumblebees. In New York the Aloe vera plant will also cure skin burns and injuries like flesh wounds from piercings by thorns, spines and prickly spikes.
Knowing what cold hardy trees are suitable for planting in New
York is the most important decision, when considering cold hardy
Northern Palm trees that will survive in the New York snow and ice.
The Windmill palm trees have been grown successfully throughout New
York for many years and is preferred for planting around pools and
patios for those who want a tropical accent spot. Windmill palm trees
have been successful in planting as far North as Canada and
Switzerland and Windmill palm leaves remain green during the winter.
Needle palm trees are very cold hardy, and the needles on the Needle
palm trees have survived winters at the New York Botanical garden for
decades. The Needle palm tree is always evergreen, even in the most
Northern parts of upstate New York.
New York bamboo plants are cold hardy enough to survive the coldest
winter temperatures of 20 degrees below zero, and bamboo plantings
have survived chilling temperatures on the N Y border with Vermont
and from Ithaca to Long Island. In New York bamboo plant thrives in
moist and deep organic mulched soils to for a fast growing privacy
barrier that blocks unpleasant noises and will filter automobile
exhaust fumes. Bamboo culms (stems, poles, stalks) are attractively
colored, blue, golden and black, and the clumping bamboo plants will
block soil erosion. For fast shipment at a low price, Ty Ty Nursery
Bamboo Nursery (
ship your N.Y bamboo plants to your doorstep fast at any time during
the year.