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Nutra Pro 16-8-8 Fertilizer Packet

Nutra Pro 16 8 8 Fertilizer Packet
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• Looking for a low cost easy solution to fertilizing your trees or new transplants? Look no further than the Nutra Pro 16-8-8 for 1 year slow release feeding for all your deciduous shade trees, palm trees and landscape shrubs. Take the guess work out of fertilizing, bury one packet per a shrub or palm tree approx 12" away from the plant and let the phorus biodegrade fertilizer packet do the rest. For more constant feeding put one packet in front and back of the shrub you will achieve a more uniform healthy feeding program.

If you are using to fertilizer shade trees you will need two packets per 1" of tree trunk caliper again buried 8 inches deep approx 12" away from the hole. You will not have to worry about burning the roots on fresh transplants, over fertilizing, or under fertilizing because you will give your plant the perfect amount of food needed to explode with new growth and get properly established in to your landscape.