Tennessee Trees![]() Buy Tennessee Fruit Tree, Nut Trees, Shade Trees, Flowering Tree, Grapevines, Berry Bush, & Bamboo PlantsTennessee is a national wholesale producer of fruit trees, shade trees and flowering trees for the United States nursery tree trade centered at McMinnville, TN. Millions of perennial plants, bushes and trees are produced in TN. that end up in retail nursery garden centers, orchards and Mail Order warehouses that are destined to be sold, planted and grown in yards, vineyards and parks throughout the country. Apple trees are perhaps the largest class of fruit trees grown, and it is important to remember that for apple tree pollination, two separate cultivars must be grown. Both Sweet Cherry trees, like Bing and Black Tartarian Cherry trees then, Sour Cherry trees, like Montmorency and North Star Cherry trees are important, and cherries in colors of red, black and yellow are the most significant cultivars. Both Freestone Peach tree and Freestone Peach trees are important to sell in the wholesale trade maturing peaches in colors of white and yellow (red). Nectarine trees have fruit that is similar to a peach tree, and the nectarine fruit often is called a fuzzless peach. Nectarine trees produce a smooth skin fruit that has become as important for eye appeal in the grocery store as the peach fuzzy fruit. Plum trees are important late spring ripening fruit and several kinds of plum trees may even bear plums in late summer or fall, depending on the plum cultivar that is chosen.Plums can be very sweet or sour to the taste and expectant mothers often crave the flavor of sour plums. The plum fruit matures in a plethora of colors: red, yellow, purple, and then even ripened colors of black and green. Pear trees that are grown in the Eastern United States are basically different than those that are found in grocery stores that come from the Northwestern States where the environment is entirely different in heat index and the humidity index. Most of the pear trees like the Bartlet pear that sits on most grocery store shelves might grow for a limited time in the Eastern U.S., but will die of the disease, Fire Blight, before the pears mature. Therefore, it is important that great care must be taken to grow the proper pear selection in the East, most of which are hard pears, except for the Flordahome Pear tree, that is very similar to the Northwestern grown pears. The Kieffer pear tree is one of the old classic Southern pear trees that sometimes is found growing in abandoned home gardens of 100 years ago. Two fig trees are very cold hardy like the Tennessee Mountain fig that was found growing wild near Nashville, TN. last century produces a delicious fig, large in size and adapted in all soil profiles throughout the State. The Chicago Hardy fig tree is even more cold hardy that grows in IL (Zone 5) with the proper mulching. Many other types of fig trees are adapted to grow in TN. to include the Black Mission Fig, the White Italian, the Green Ischau Fig trees and many others listed at tytyga.com. Other unusual fruits that will grow in Tennessee gardens are the Russian Pomegranate tree that is very cold hardy for both zones 6 and 7, and the Nikita's Gift Persimmon tree that is very cold hardy and will survive anywhere in Tn., and produces large Japanese type persimmons. The Paw Paw tree is a native fruit tree that grows in all parts of Tennessee, and the Paw Paw trees produce the largest fruit that is native to America. TN, Red Raspberry plants are very successfully grown in all parts of the State and are the most important commercial raspberry plants, and the black Cumberland Raspberry plant came from the researchers in the Cumberland Valley area of TN. Yellow raspberries and Purple raspberry plants are less known, but are more fragile berries and very delicious to eat. The American black walnut seedling trees produce large crops of walnuts, but the grafted Thomas black walnut tree and the English Walnut tree can produce larger nuts at an earlier age of growth. The shagbark hickory tree is a favorite wildlife tree to plant because of the huge crops of hickory nuts that are produced by mature hickory trees. The Hall's hardy almond tree grows tasty crunchy nuts like the American filbert tree that grows to a medium size. The cold hardy James pecan tree produces a thin papershell pecan that ripens in early fall, and the hican is a hybrid cross between an hickory nut and a pecan nut tree. The Allegheny chinquapin bushes or trees are native trees to Tennessee. Chinese Chestnut trees are cold hardy nut trees in all zones of the State, and the native American chestnut produces a larger nut that has the sweetest flavor and is blight resistant. Blackberry plants and Dewberry plants are excellent sweet berries that are easily grown in Tennessee gardens, however, new thornless blackberry plants from the University of Arkansas Horticulturalist research are now being grown on a tremendous scale commercially, and the home gardener is very pleased to pick from blackberry plants that don't have thorns. Dewberry plants are still basically a thorny blackberry plant, but with fewer sharp thorns than the common wild blackberry plant that is still planted on a large scale to feed wildlife animals and game birds. Blueberry plants are native plants that grow extensively in the wild state throughout Tennessee, but the new hybrid, Rabbiteye blueberry plants are being planted in commercial pick-your-own orchards, and the large clusters of berries are loaded with huge berries, sometimes that grow as large as a quarter. Rabbiteye blueberry plants are now being grown on a huge and profitable commercial scale in hundreds of acres in some States. Grape Vines are excellently adapted for growing in Tennessee, and the old fashioned Bunch grape vine cultivars of the white, Niagara grape, the Blue Concord grape and the Black Fredonia grape vines are the most popular. The Red Flame Seedless grape vine, the white Thompson Seedless grape vine and the Seedless Concord grapevines are in high demand as well as many Wine Grape Vines. Muscadine grape vines and Scuppernong grapevines are native to Tennessee and vineyards of Muscadine grape vines are being planted in pick-your-own operations. Muscadine vineyards and Scuppernong grapes are now grown on a large commercial scale, hundreds of acres, in some States for the August and September fresh fruit market. Many Flowering trees are perfect for growing in Tennessee gardens. Crape Myrtle trees (shrubs, bushes) have become a favorite flowering plant because of the long lasting flowers that begin forming in June and continue until early fall. The beautiful white clusters of the white Natchez Crape Myrtle bush and the brilliant red blooms of the Dynamite Crape Myrtle, along with the fluffy flowers of the Miami pink Crape Myrtle trees are repetitive and continuous. Blue and Purple Crape Myrtle plants are rare but can be found for sale on tytyga.com. Dogwood trees, (red, pink and white) are native trees to TN, and redbud trees grow to a medium size in the forests. The flowering Pear trees and the Japanese flowering Kwanzan and Yoshino cherry trees are among the most valuable wholesale grown flowering trees. The Japanese Magnolia tree is filled with enormous pink flower that are deliciously aromatic in the spring, and the Southern Magnolia tree, Magnolia grandiflora, and the dwarf, Little Gem Magnolia trees are excellent flowering trees that produce huge white blossoms that are sweetly fragrant in the summer through the fall. The Magnolia trees not only are fine flowering trees, but they also are considered among the best of the Shade trees. Weeping Willow tree, Tulip Poplar trees and the Green Ash tree are very fast growing Tennessee Shade trees. The Red Maple Tree White Oak tree and American Elm trees are native to forests. For fall color the Ginkgo tree, Bald Cypress trees and the Thornless Honeylocust tree all give brilliant yellow colors in the season. The River Birch trees, the Corkscrew Willow tree and the Pond Cypress trees grow best in wet soil profiles. Shade Trees that produce dramatic leaf colors of red, yellow and purple in the fall are Sweet Gum trees, Sourwood tree and Swamp Tupelo trees. The Sassafras tree and the Catalpa tree grow into enormous landscape specimens and the Catalpa tree produces large leaves that in the summer are eaten by worms that are used by fishermen for fish bait. Loblolly Pine trees and Slash Pine trees not only are good TN Shade trees, but the Loblolly Pine tree is often planted in long rows in front of houses to use as a privacy screen as an effective blocker of noise and automobile exhaust fumes. The Lombardy poplar tree is a fast growing tree that is extensively used as a privacy screen and a wind break, and the Lombardy poplar trees are often planted in rows close together, and has been documented to have grown over 10 feet in length in its initial year of transplanting. Wildlife preservation of permanent food sources is important to keep birds and other wildlife animals healthy, so the proper, adaptable trees, bushes and plants must be selected that are cold hardy to fruit during all seasons of the year, especially when wildlife food is not plentiful. The Kieffer pear tree in the fall produces a slow ripening hard pear that like the American persimmon tree, drops the pears and persimmons to the ground when the fruit is overripe and the pungent scent attracts wildlife animals like deer, seemingly from every nook and cranny. Other aromatic fruits come from the Chickasaw plum trees, the red mulberry trees and the crabapple tree. Deer and game birds gather toward the edges of row crop fields to feast on border plants like elderberry bush, strawberry bushes and Autumn olive trees. Tennessee thorny blackberry bushes and dewberry bushes have thorns that protect the small animals and birds from predators and release clusters of berries to hungry animals. The Gobbler oak tree produces smaller acorns than the sawtooth oak tree that is a fast growing tree, and the turkey and other small birds prefer to eat the Gobbler oak acorns and the Turkey oak acorns because they are easier to crack. The white oak tree acorns once the tree becomes productive fall intermittently during the season to feed that trophy deer. Several cold hardy palm trees like Windmill palm trees can be successfully grown in Tennessee gardens to add that tropical look to a backyard patio or pool. The Windmill palm is very cold hardy and has survived cold winters in Northern States such as Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. The Needle palm tree is also very cold hardy and has been grown in Kentucky, Michigan and West Virginia. Needle palm trees have been growing in the Brooklyn, New York Botanical Garden for several decades, along with other New York successful plantings of Windmill palm trees. Tennessee bamboo plants are easy to grow from Memphis to Nashville as a fast growing, privacy block, just plant the clumps in full sun or partial shade in a damp soil that is organic-based/ When growing bamboo plants from Knoxville to Kingsport in the Northern areas of Tennessee, Bamboo plants must be grown that are cold hardy, especially like the severe winter off 2014. TN Bamboo plant clumps that will survive temperatures of below zero must be considered and planted. The brightly colored stems of bamboo can be shiny in colors of waxy yellow, blue or black-green\ , and the poles can be variegated randomly that can be repeated in the leaves. Privacy screens are important in blocking out noise and exhaust fumes from automobiles that pollute the air, but bamboo leaves will refresh the air and convert the noxious carbon dioxide fumes to breathable Oxygen. Order your bamboo plants from Ty Ty Nursery, tytyga.com that will be immediately boxed and shipped directly to your house of business location any time of the year. For the adventurous gardeners and plant lovers in Tennessee, Yucca trees are very cold hardy evergreen trees that can be grown out of doors with little or no care or maintenance, and these strange and weird plants grow into exotic unearthly forms requiring no fertilizer and the thick fleshy, fibrous leaves are water storehouses of reserves that makes them drought resistant to grow under stressful conditions, when any other plant would have perished from the cold or drought. The Yucca rostrata grows into a beautiful plant with needle-like, straight slender leaves pointed with sharp spines. The Spanish Bayonet, Yucca gloriosa, the Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia), and the Red Yucca (with its red winter leaves) are very cold hardy trees that survive in all climate areas of TN. The Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' is brilliantly striped with white variegation and stripes on the leaves, much like the native American plant, the variegated Century Plant, Agave americana 'Marginata,' and the Agave angustifolia 'Marginata, with its stiff hard leaves with the dangerous sharp points at the terminals of the leaves. The Agave vilmoriniana 'Octopus' grows fleshy thorny, prickly leaves that are re-curved to look much like octopus tentacles. The Spineless Agave attenuata has soft leaves that have the texture and coloration of shark skin, and the Agave tequilana secretes a juice that is fermented into the alcoholic beverage, tequila. The juice of the Aloe vera plant is helpful in healing flesh burns and the bites and stinger wounds of Hornets, Bumblebees and Fire Ants are cured when the liquid of the Aloe vera is applied to the flesh. |