Virginia Trees![]() Buy Virginia Fruit Trees, Palm, Shade Tree, Grapevines, Berry Plants, Flowering Tree, Nut Tree & Bamboo PlantsThe serious fruit tree growing in Virginia began with General George Washington, when he purchased fruit trees and nut trees from a tree nursery in Flushing, NY., and Washington had the fruit trees and nut trees transplanted to his estate at Mount Vernon, VA., that contained 8000 acres. After President Washington retired his last time, he was content to grow fruit, berry and nut products at his Virginia plantation. President Thomas Jefferson was a very skilled fruit tree grower who surveyed French fruit trees and imported them to Monticello, Va. In exchange for the French fruit trees that the King of France had shipped to him, he exported American native fruit trees, black raspberries and red raspberries, muscadine grapevines, nuts from pecan trees, black walnut trees and citrus trees to France. Based on Thomas Jefferson's experience in successfully growing fruit trees at his Monticello, Virginia, estate, the former President of the U.S.,imported many European fruit trees for American colonists to promote and to advance agriculture development in America. Growing fruits, nuts and berries in Virginia successfully very much depends on planting the proper tree at the proper USDA climatic zone, mainly because Virginia farms and gardens range from the very cold winters of zone 5a in the Virginia mountains to zone 8 in the coastal areas. Both sweet and sour cherry trees (pie cherries) will grow well in Virginia backyard gardens. The Bing cherry tree and the Black Tartarian Cherry tree along with the North Star cherries are excellent sour (pie cherry) cherries to grow. Hundreds of apple tree cultivars are well adapted for growing in Virginia gardens, including the Red Delicious apple tree that originated in Iowa, and the Gold Delicious apple trees that were discovered growing in West Virginia. The Red Rome apple tree and the Arkansas Black apple tree are very flavorful and useful in making apple cider. The Elberta peach tree and the white, Belle of Georgia peach trees are productive summer peach trees, and the red nectarines (fuzzless peach) produce very tasty and a sweet and balanced acidic fruit.Yellow gold plum trees are very fast growing, and the yellow plum when tree ripened is one of the juiciest, sweetest tasting plums one can grow. The purplish -blue Stanley plum tree is very cold hardy and productive in Virginia's cold mountain areas. Several Auburn, Alabama plums that were developed at the University at Auburn, grow on very fast growing plum trees that are loaded with sweet red plums. The Kieffer pear tree is very cold hardy and grows into a green -yellow pear that has a long shelf life. The Flordahome pear tree grows into a yellow pear fruit that is best adapted for coastal cities like Virginia Beach, Virginia. The taste of a pear is optimized when pears are picked off the trees and placed in the shade to soften and ripen inside the house.Fig trees have been a favorite fruit tree for Virginia gardeners, since the early American colonists introduced figs from Europe. The Tennessee Mountain fig and the new introduction, Chicago Hardy Fig trees are the most cold hardy fig trees and can be grown in all areas of Virginia, especially the Virginia mountains. Generally the Black Mission fig is not very cold hardy and growing this fig is restricted for growing in coastal VA. The Japanese Green Ischau fig tree that is invisible to birds, the Italian White fig and the many other rare fig trees are available to buy on other rare fruit trees such as the Jujube, Medlar tree, native Paw Paw tree and Quince trees will grow throughout Virginia. Pomegranate fruit trees can be grown in some gardens that are located along the coast and Japanese Persimmon trees, Mulberry trees, Olive tree, and Banana trees have been grown successfully in warmer Virginia locations. The Texas Star banana tree is very cold hardy and has survived below zero temperatures to resurface vigorously in the spring to produce bananas in the following fall. The Texas Star banana trees can be grown in all areas of Virginia. Order and purchase the best Shade trees that are very important to reduce Virginia electric bills, slow down erosion and to increase the value of real estate. Virginia Red Maple trees, White Oak trees, and the American Elm tree are all native Virginia shade trees. The Weeping Willow tree, Tulip Poplar trees and the Sycamore tree are all very fast growing shade trees, and for fall yellow brilliant leaf color, you might consider planting a Ginkgo tree, River Birch Tree or a Green Ash tree. To produce multicolored leaves of red, yellow and purple, the Sweet Gum tree, the Sour Wood trees and Sassafras trees are best to buy. The Catalpa tree, not only is an excellent shade tree but a magnificent flowering tree that grows leaves that are vigorously eaten in the summer by worms that make good fish bait for fishermen. The evergreen Loblolly Pine tree and the Slash Pine trees are good shade trees and fast growing shade trees. Loblolly Pine trees are frequently planted in long rows to form a privacy fence to block noise and automobile toxic fumes, especially nice to plant around Washington, D.C., the Nations Capitol. The Longleaf Pine tree grows into a huge shade tree but is slow growing and is especially useful for growing in coastal Virginia. The Lombardy poplar tree is an excellent VA shade tree, a fast growing tree that has been noted to have grown as much as 10 feet after the first year of transplanting. The Lombardy poplar tree is often planted close together in rows for use as a privacy screen or as a windbreak. Find Japanese Kwanzan pink and Yoshino white, Japanese Cherry Flowering trees that are very popular Spring flowering choices throughout Virginia and the Kwanzan and Yoshino cherry trees were introduced into American gardens by First Lady, Helen Taft, near the Potomac River on Potomac park in Washington DC in the year 1912. Since that initial flowering tree planting the Japanese flowering cherry trees have become the most important of the Flowering trees in Virginia, and America, Redbud trees and White Dogwood flowering trees are also very popular in the Virginia landscape. Discover the top Southern evergreen, flowering Magnolia tree, Magnolia grandiflora, and the dwarf form Little Gem Magnolia trees that are filled with white flowers that begin in May and continue blooming with large white, fragrant flowers into the fall. The Sweet Bay Magnolia tree, Magnolia virginiana, is native to Virginia, and in summer is covered with fragrant creamy flowers. The crape myrtle trees have become one of the favorite multicolored flowering trees, mainly because of the many flower colors of red, pink and white, and the new dwarf cultivars of "True Blue", "Black Diamond", and "Purple Yuma" crape myrtle trees, that bloom true to colors of their names. The crape myrtle tree is called a shrub when smaller than 6 feet, and can grow into a 25 foot tall flowering tree, either with multi-trunks or a single trunk, that depends on how they were pruned. Other popular deciduous flowering trees for Virginia, the pear tree, peach trees and plum tree blooms in early spring, but the flowering apricot tree is the earliest of all flowering trees. The Japanese flowering pink saucer Magnolia trees before leafing out in the spring are covered with giant fragrant blooms in colors of purple, white and red, and not only are excellent Virginia flowering trees, but good shade trees also. The Cassia senna tree begins its brilliant yellow blooming in the fall in zone 8, when very little else produces flowers in Virginia, except the Camellia tree. The Golden Rain Tree is filled with gold clusters of blooms in June and the flowers are changed into Chinese looking lantern ornaments that last into the winter. The Oleander tree is very much prized as a 9 month display of flowers that begins in May in bloom colors of Firestarter red, white and pink that can grow as tall as 25 feet, and are often planted on the seashore as a privacy screen in rows. Rare yellow oleander and purple oleander trees are hard to find at nurseries, and the apricot colored oleander shrub only grows as a dwarf plant not exceeding 6 feet in height.. Oleanders are very tolerant of salt water spray, alkaline soil (low pH), growing in full sunshine, heavy pruning, and drought resistance, just right for growing at Virginia Beach or coast locations. Virginia Tech University describes the American Chestnut, Castanea dentata as formerly being the most important nut in Virginia, until it was almost wiped out by the American chestnut blight, however, blight resistant American chestnut trees are now available for planting and several hybrid crosses of the Chinese chestnut tree, Castanea mollissima, and the American chestnuts are being tested for Virginia garden nut production.Papershell pecan trees, Carya illinoiensis, will grow in Virginia, but the Northern Pecan tree, the hybrid papershell, James pecan tree is very cold resistant for growing in Virginia mountains.American Black walnut trees, Juglans nigra, are native trees in Virginia, and the North Carolina, Cannonball walnut tree is famous for the huge half pound walnuts. The American filbert tree is also native to Virginia. The small filbert nut, Corylus americana, is sweet and the small filbert nut is crunchy and delicious.The Shagbark hickory nut tree (Carya ovata) grows hard shell nuts with a sweet tasty kernel that has that unmistakable hickory flavor that is much stronger than the pecan nut taste. Grapes of many colors and kinds can be grown in Virginia. Scuppernong grape vines and the Muscadine grape vine are both native to Virginia Seedless grape vines of many colors, such as the Thompson white seedless grape, Red Flame grapes and Blue Concord grapevines will grow delicious sweet clusters of large grapes. Wine grapes grow well in Virginia vineyards, and the presence of the abundant sugar concentration means the wine will easily ferment into alcohol with exotic aromas. Red Raspberry plants and black raspberry plants are native raspberries in VA., and the red Heritage raspberry plant sometimes produces two raspberry crops in a single year. The black Cumberland raspberry is delicious, but not as cold hardy as the Latham red raspberries and the Boyne red raspberry. Blueberries are native bushes to Virginia and the Rabbiteye blueberry plants produce large clusters of sweet blueberries in early summer in coastal Virginia blueberry orchards. Hundreds of acres of Rabbiteye blueberry plants have been commercially established in the Southern States.Both thorny blackberry plants and commercial thornless blackberries are being planted in extensive organic pick-you-own blackberry orchards in coastal and central Virginia. The sale of blackberries rivals the sale and production of raspberries, and the many new hybrid thornless blackberry plants that were developed and introduced from the University of Arkansas researchers are now being planted in pick-your-own operations and also in hundreds of acres to supply the large commercial demand for fresh berries at the super markets. For those bird watchers, hunters and lovers of wildlife animals, the preservation of permanent food sources is important to keep our animals in exceptional health. The Kieffer pear tree grows hard pears and like the American persimmon trees ripen the pears and persimmons in the fall as the fruit begins to slowly ripen it emits a pungent aroma with a scent that will draw that trophy deer. The Chickasaw plum trees, the red mulberry trees and the wild crabapple trees load up with abundant fruit during the growing season. The seedling pecan, the hickory nut trees and the Chinese chestnut trees drop their slow ripening nuts during the winter to intermittently provide food for wildlife animals like racoons, possum and birds. The Elderberry trees, Autumn olive trees and strawberry bushes are excellent seasonal attractants and feeders of wildlife animals. Dewberry vines and thorny blackberry bushes grow on row crop field edges and protect the small animals and birds from feeding predators, and berries are abundantly clustered for feeding the wildlife animals. The sawtooth oak tree is an early producer of acorns, and the white oak tree and the Gobbler oak trees produce lots of grazing food for deer and game birds. Palm trees are located throughout Virginia, and cold hardy Windmill palm trees can be planted even in Virginia mountains. Needle palm trees are native to the United States and Needle palms are also cold tolerant in all USDA climate map zones. In Virginia bamboo plants are planted to grow as a fast growing privacy screen from Norfolk and Danville in Southern Virginia to Alexandria in Northern Virginia. Bamboo plants are very cold hardy and will easily survive temperatures of 20 F. below zero and the heavy snows and ice of the year, 2014. The rapid emergence of the culm (stem, pole stalk) from the ground in the spring provides dense clumps of a living privacy barrier that blocks noise and filters the carbon dioxide from the polluted air exhausts of automobiles, and converts it to breathable Oxygen that refreshes the atmosphere. The bamboo stems are very attractively colored, black-green, blue or yellow with variegation often appearing in the stems and the leaves. The Virginia bamboo plant clumps grow well in full sun or partial shade and thrive in a well drained organic-based soil with adequate moisture. The bamboo plants are very salt water tolerant and flourish when planted as a wind breaker along the Atlantic coastal beaches near Virginia Beach, VA with bamboo hedges grown on the ocean side to protect the cottages from storms and hurricanes during coastal beach erosion. Fast shipment of boxed bamboo plants can be delivered right to your house and shipped immediately most any day of the year from Ty Ty Bamboo Nursery, For gardeners and lovers of plants in Virginia, Yucca trees, Aloe plants and Agave plants are maintenance free, requiring little or no care, no fertilizer, and these desert plants are repositories and storehouses of water. The American native Century Plant, Agave americana 'Marginata' plant , and the Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' tree are stunning variegated plants when planted as specimens in the out of doors as landscape plants. The Red Yucca plant, Hesperaloe parviflora, forms orange flowers on a 3 foot flower spike in the summer and in the winter the leaves turn red. The Joshua Tree, Yucca brevifolia, is very cold hardy in all VA climate zones as an evergreen unearthly shape that can live thousands of years old with a root spread of 36 feet, and is also called, the 'Yucca Palm Tree'. The Yucca rostrata is cold hardy with thin straight leaves, drought resistant and forms an elegant trunk. The Agave attenuata has no thorny teeth on the edges of the leaves and not sharp spike at the tip of the leaf. The Agave vilmoriniana 'Octopus' has long leaves that are fleshy, thick and re-curve like the tentacles of an octopus. The Agave tequilana has very thick fleshy leaves that contain a juice that is sweet and ferments into the alcohol drink, tequila. The 'Spineless Agave', Agave attenuata, grows into a beautiful soft leaf specimen. The spotted leaves of the Aloe very are striking and the juice of the fleshy leaves is used for first aid applications that heal stings and bites of honeybees, hornets and yellow jackets. The Aloe vera leaf liquid also will heal severe burns of the flesh and skin wounds. |