Ty Ty Nursery offers many types of walnut trees to grow, some grafted cultivars and some are native seedling trees. Most nuts that are grown from Walnut trees are hardshell types, but the English walnut is fairly thin shelled enough to easily crack out kernels without? using a hammer. The Black Walnut is an excellent eating, native American tree, and the black walnut tree is extremely cold hardy with reliable nut production each year and suitable to grow in every State.
Walnut trees have become an important feature of American culture and holiday celebrations during Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, not only as nut producing trees, but also as shade trees. The Thomas Black Walnut is a grafted tree and produces thinner nuts sooner than the regular black walnut.
Grow your own English walnuts with the thin shell and excellent nutty flavor of the kernals that ripen in the fall. The English Walnut also known as the 'Persian Walnut' is fast growing and the nuts are produced early on grafted trees
Walnut Tree Sale
Walnut tree pollination like most other nut trees produce incompatible pollen grains, and two different Walnut trees should be planted for maximum Walnut production. American Black Walnut seedlings are excellent pollinators for the Thomas Black Walnut. The American Black Walnut tree has been hybridized with many other Walnuts such as the Japanese Carpathian and Persian Walnut, making it an ideal producer.
Walnut Tree Video, Etc.
If you like the taste of toasted walnuts you will probably end up eating a whole bowl full of them. Its easy to grow Ty Ty English Walnut trees and the plump kernels easily crack out of the shell. Ty Ty Nursery has great prices on all walnut sizes and varieties.