West Virginia Trees![]() Buy West Virginia Berry Bushes, Bamboo Plants, Fruit Trees, Shade Tree, Grapevines, Flowering Tree and Nut Trees.In West Virginia raspberry plants are planted on organic pick-you-own berry farms, and both red raspberry plants and native black raspberries grow plump, tasty raspberry treats. The red Latham raspberry can be grown on West Virginia farms for roadside berry sales or for commercial grocery store sales, but Black Hawk raspberry plants grow berries with a fairly sort shelf life and remain locally restricted as perishable berries. Erect thorny blackberry plants are native West Virginia plants, along with berry vines of dewberry bushes, but both can grow tasty blackberries. Erect blackberry plants are available to buy online as either thorny blackberry plants or thornless blackberry plants. Blueberry bushes are also native to West Virginia and highbush blueberries and lowbush plants are grown on pick-your-own berry farms. Rabbiteye blueberry plants have been grown by some WV gardeners near Logan. Many kinds of the classic bunch grape vines can produce excellent clusters of grapes in West Virginia, the Blue Concord grape, the white Niagara grapevine, the black Catawba and the Red Catawba grape vines that were introduced by Cornell University at Ithaca, New York. Several kinds of seedless grapevines. such as the Red Flame Grape Vine, the Blue Concord Seedless Grapevine and the white Thompson are heavy producers. Wine grapevines must have high concentrations of sugar to ferment into the best wines, and Muscadine grape vines and Scuppernong grapes are usually not cold hard to grow in WV. Order and purchase the native, nut trees are growing in West Virginia forests, such as the hazelnut (filbert), Corylus americana, a nut that forms sweet, small hazelnuts (filberts) in the fall that are gathered by children and wildlife animals. The American black walnut tree, (Juglans nigra) was once a tree that covered West Virginia forests around Charleston, W.V. Bluefield and Logan, W.V., but the nuts are scarce today, because the trees have been cut down to make expensive furniture and gun stocks for wildlife hunting. White Walnut,( Juglans cinerea ), trees also are good nut producers in W.V. Hickory Nut Trees are important wildlife food trees in West Virginia, and several different species of hickory trees grow abundantly in West Virginia landscapes. Hickory nuts have been crossed to form the Hican (an inter-specific hybrid of hickory and pecan) that has delicious oily nut kernels with a nutty flavor. The new hybrid, 'James' pecan trees, Oconee pecans and Pawnee pecan are highly recommended to be planted as cold hardy pecan trees, Carya illinoinensis, for several Northern States including West Virginia. Pecan trees are native nut trees to Illinois and are adaptable to grow in W.V. gardens and orchards. The Chinese chestnut trees produces excellent crops of nuts in Bluefield, WV, and the new blight resistant, native American chestnut tree produces thin shelled large chestnuts with a very sweet kernel. Get the most famous apple tree cultivar that is the Golden Delicious apple tree which was discovered growing as a wild seedling apple in Clay County, West Virginia. Many new apple tree hybrids have been developed from that original Golden Delicious apple tree. The discovery of the Golden Delicious apple tree was known by West Virginians as the most important citizen ever to come for W.V., except of course, Senator Robert Byrd of W.V. Applesauce and Apple Butter that resulted from the discovery of the Golden Delicious apple tree.The Chicago Hardy Fig trees and the Tennessee Mountain Fig tree are very cold hardy fruit trees for WV., fruit orchards, if the plants are properly mulched for the cold winter freezes. Many other kinds of figs such as the Black Mission Fig, the Japanese Green Ischau Fig tree and the White Italian Fig tree are not very cold hardy, but can be grown in greenhouses.During the summer West Virginia fruit pickers sponsor Peach festivals where peach tree cultivars such as the Hale Haven and Red Haven peach tree orchard planting and production techniques are discussed in terms of increasing yields of peach tree orchards. New improved methods of freezing peaches, baking peach cobbler and canning peaches are also important topics at the Peach festival. The Red Plum trees, Kieffer Pear trees and red mulberry trees are favorite fruit trees for backyard West Virginia gardens. Plums, Pears and red mulberries have been hybridized to produce new highly productive plum trees, pear tree and mulberry orchards. Discover how to find the best WV fruit tree information on the top, high quality reviews that are posted at Ty Ty Nursery, tytyga.com. Many kinds of flowering trees, like the Japanese flowering cherry tree, the pink Kwanzan and the white Yoshino grow beautiful flowers in the spring. Flowering pear trees produce fluffy flowers in the spring and the fall color of the leaves is brilliant. The pink and white dogwood trees are native to West Virginia; and the Redbud and flowering Crabapple trees are among the earliest spring trees to bloom. Wildlife food preservation is important to birdwatchers, hunters and lovers of wild animals, and sometimes it is difficult to find a permanent food source that is exceptional and healthy. The Kieffer pear trees grow a hard pear that ripens slowly and similarly the American persimmon trees grow persimmons that drop to the ground and on ripening emit a strong aromatic scent that is picked up by hungry birds and deer who are attracted to a convenient eating place. The Chickasaw tree grows multi-colored plums and the mulberry trees do the same and the mulberries and the plum fruit sometimes will attract that trophy deer or game turkey to eat. The native crabapple tree is also an important seasonal fruit that draws the attention of deer to feed plots. Hickory nut trees, autumn olive trees and elderberry plants are abundant food sources for game animals and birds. The sawtooth oak tree produces enormous crops of acorns for deer and game birds, and the white oak trees and the Gobbler oak trees are effective draws for herds of deer and flocks of turkey. There are many kinds of fast growing trees West Virginia Shade trees to grow tat will reduce soil erosion, lower your electricity bill and increase the enjoyment and value of your property. The Tulip Poplar tree, the Weeping Willow tree and the Sycamore trees produce quick shade and are very cold hardy. The Green Ash tree, the Sassafras tree and the Bald Cypress trees grow rapidly into giant shade trees. The native Red Maple trees, the White Oak tree and the Elm trees, flourish naturally as shade trees in the forest and also in the home landscape. For dramatic and brilliant fall color, you might consider planting, the Ginkgo, the Sour Wood tree and the Sweet Gum tree. The Pond Cypress Cypress tree, the Catalpa fish bait tree will delight fishermen, and the River Birch tree will all grow in wet soil profiles. For growing an excellent fast growing privacy screen, you can plant the Lombardy poplar tree that is one of the fastest growing plants that has been observed to grow 10 feet tall the first season of transplanting. The Sour Wood tree is vibrant in the fall leaf color parade that can be enjoyed for weeks in your own shade tree display. In West Virginia growing bamboo plant privacy, fast growing hedges extends from Princeton and Charleston to Morgantown, WV in the North and Charles Town in the East. The beautifully colored Culms (stems, poles, stalk) appear in the spring in colors of gold, blue, black and also with variegated stalks or leaves. WV bamboo plants flourish in dense green clumps to block out automobile gases, noise and fumes from nearby chemical plants or polluted air from coal mines. Bamboo plants are very cold hardy and are known for surviving temperatures of minus 20 degrees below zero or the terrible winters like this year, 2014. Order your West Virginia bamboo plants from Ty Ty Bamboo Nursery, tytyga.com for immediate shipment any time during the year that will be delivered in boxes right to your front doorstep. For gardeners and plant lovers in West Virginia, the Agave plants, Aloe plants and Yucca trees, are easy to grow and require very little care or attention, no water nor fertilizer and are storehouses of water reserves. The Red Yucca, Hesperaloe parviflora has leaves that turn red in the cold winters. The Color Guard Yucca filamentosa, the Joshua Tree, Yucca brevifolia and the Yucca gloriosa (Spanish Bayonet) are native plants that are dramatic specimens that survive outside in the WV winters. The Agave tequilana plant is the source of the alcohol fermentation product, tequila. The native Century Plant, Agave americana 'Marginata' has bright striped variegated leaves that glow in the landscape. The spineless Agave attenuata grow no teeth on the edges of the leaves and grows no terminal spines. The well known, Aloe vera plant will cure bites of yellow jackets, honeybees and fire ants. The Aloe vera juice also will calm the pain of the skin burns and flesh wounds.. |