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Ray of Light' Agave Plant – Agave attenuata 'Ray of Light' AGAVWS Plant Patent 21854. The 'Ray of Light' Variegated Agave Plant is marked by a dramatic, mutated leaf form with a bright white ribbon of striping on each surrounding edge of the smooth leaves, varying from the solid, light green colored leaves from the original parent, Agave attenuata, which has been known as being sticker free, except of points on the leaf tips.. The mature plant forms are quite large with greyish-green stems that can rise up to 6 feet tall, and a flower stalk infrequently arises that results in yellow green flowers that turn into seed pods and multiple plantlets that can be grown into adult plants. The Flower Stem can undulate up and down with an observation that it resembles a Fox tail, and in some areas, this agave is known as a 'fox-tail (fox tail)' agave plant. This variegated Agave plant grows well near the sandy coastal areas and is somewhat salt water tolerant that grows best with a little shade, rather than a full exposure to the direct sunshine. This agave plant should be grown in zones 9 and 10 and guarded against exposure to low temperatures below 28 degrees F.Agave attenuata 'Ray of Light'