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Ellen Bosanquet Crinum

Ellen Bosanquet Crinum

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Blooming Bulb [$59.75]

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The Ellen Bosanquet Crinum Lily bulb is perhaps, the most famous crinum hybrid of all. The Ellen Bosanquet stems produce bright magenta flowers that are outstanding and distinctively beautiful. The original parents of the Ellen Bosanquet Crinum Lily bulb cross remain the greatest mystery in crinum hybridizing, and never to this date has this hybrid been reproduced in ninety years of desperate efforts by many hybridizers.

  • Ellen Bosanquet Crinum

•  The Ellen Bosanquet Crinum Lily bulb plant is commonly found in old Southern gardens. The Ellen Bosanquet Crinum Lily bulb cultivar is well adapted to grow in city parks in full sun. The Nursery at TyTy maintains large quantities of Ellen Bosanquet Crinum lilies during the Summer for sale, when the bulbs are in full flower.

•  The Ellen Bosanquet Crinum flower bulb belongs to the group of 'Milk and Wine' lilies of the South found extensively in gardens there with beautiful wine flowers appearing in late June and July with a pleasant fragrance that fills the heated summer air. The bulbs are large, the size of a grapefruit and cold hardy in zones 8, 9 and 10.

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