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The Coral Flowering Vine (Antigonon leptopus) is a very fast growing vine with heart shaped leaves, and in September it bursts forth with extended rose-pink sprays of leafless flower clusters. Growing within the spectacular sprays are tiny groups of drooping Chinese-pink lanterns like a necklace of fine jewels. The dense vines provide good cover for arbors or fences and can be evergreen in warmer areas. It's stems grow 30-40 ft. long vine, and thrives in full sun covered in pink or white flowers. The Coral Vine is also known as the 'Tallahassee Vine', named after a city where it flourishes in great numbers, even on roadsides. The flowers of the Coral vine are loved by butterflies, bumblebees and hummingbirds, and the tubers are cold hardy from zone 8, 9 and 10.The Coral Vine is a very fast growing privacy screen vine in the South that can be grown rapidly to hide the monotony of long unaesthetic boring fences and blank brick walls. The leaves of the coral vine are medium green in color and heart-shaped that spread in dense mats to block out clanking street noises and harmful automobile fumes that are quickly converted into breathable refreshing oxygen. The beautiful, baby-pink flower clusters hang from the limpid stems like weeping, pink grapes in the early fall and continue blooming until frost. The sweet nectar of the delicate flowers is a favorite visiting place for hungry bees for collecting the golden colored pollen for making honey. Edible rhizomes grow from the base of the coral vine and the coral vine, after a cold winter, can rapidly grow back into an amazing length of 40 feet in just 5-6 months. The coral vine can attach itself by twining, tendrils to any object and can grow rapidly to cover everything in blank spaces.