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American Native Bamboo

Buy American Native Bamboo from Ty Ty Plant Nursery LLC
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6in. wide shoot clump (up to 6ft tall) [$71.75]

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American Native Bamboo will spread very well and is easy to cut down and remove from unwanted areas, and is a popular landscape tree that runs along a landscape to form a nice privacy screen. American Native Bamboo is actually a kind of grass which some people mistake for a small tree.

The American Native Bamboo Tree will create an excellent privacy screen away from strangers. Native American bamboo rarely grows greater in diameter than 1 inch,and 25 feet tall, with very large leaves on fast growing poles. American native bamboo is technically a running bamboo, but not nearly as aggressive, growing very densely and spreading very slowly, so that little clues remain that was once a vast under story of native American bamboo.

  • American Native Bamboo Plant
  • Clumping American Native Bamboo
  • American Native Privacy Fence

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