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A 10 year old Amling Pecan tree has been documented for yielding 100 pounds of papershell nuts with increasing yields thereafter. This tree is an excellent choice in establishing a home orchard, because the Amling is a fast growing tree and sometimes, an 8 foot pecan tree can even bear nuts the very first year. The Amling Pecan tree is your best selection, if you are looking for a cooling shade with an abundant reward of a delicious, crunchy snack. For the Southern home owners, try adding a shade tree near your home. It is very important that low cost trees are used in cooling houses during the Summer to reduce air conditioning costs.The nut of the Amling Pecan tree is elongated and thin-shelled, and when shelled it is a bright golden color. Bill Goff, the extension pecan specialist at Auburn University in Alabama, stated that the Amling Pecan tree, "appears to be very scab resistant". Disease resistance is very important in Southern states because of the high temperatures and high humidity, and pecan specialists have developed certain new pecan cultivars that are genetically resistant to disease. Besides being a great shade tree with dense leaves, the paper shell nuts are delicious: being loaded with a high oil content along with what Dr. Amling called his discovery "a high quality nut".