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The Curtis pecan tree cultivar was discovered in 1886 growing near Orange Park, FL. by Mr. J.B. Curtis. It is fascinating that the Curtis Pecan tree has become such an outstanding, dependable selection that it has produced such fine quality kernels so far into Southern Florida, near Orlando, where very little dormancy occurs most years. The Curtis pecan is so resistant to diseases that the rootstock of all Ty Ty Nursery pecan trees is grafted onto Curtis Seedlings that were grown by planting seedling nuts from the original Curtis cultivar. The nuts have a very thin shell wall, and the shell-out percentage at a startling 57% kernel.• Whether you choose to eat fresh kernels from the Curtis shelled pecans, or whether you choose to use them in salads and desserts, this pecan is special for Florida growers. It is easy to crack the papershell free from the Curtis pecan nut, and usually the straw colored kernels shell out in perfect halves. • Many orchards in Northern Florida can expect to produce an increase in production of 10 pounds per tree for each year the tree ages. If you buy an 8 foot pecan tree, it is not unusual to harvest a few nuts the first year. We don't know of any other commercial cultivar, that produces a shell-out product efficiency like Curtis. The Curtis nut has been tested in Texas and Southeastern Experiment Stations and was released by the USDA because of its disease resistance and its phenomenal early production phase of orchards in the Southeast.