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Desirable Pecan Trees produce early in the season, and the shell is medium to soft, and the tree is self fertile. The Desirable pecan tree is perfect as a commercial orchard tree, as to be used as a shade tree, and excellent to buy as a yard tree. The Desirable Pecan tree is a very large papershell nut when grown under maximum climate and fertilization conditions, and the pecan kernel is loaded with a nutty flavor that is crunchy to the taste and the oily content of the kernel is highly desirable to tourists who flock to roadside stands in the Georgia rural areas to purchase this choice nut.• The Desirable pecan tree cultivar has been the rage in pecan planting since 1960, and the ripening begins in mid- October. The nuts of the Desirable Pecan tree are papershell and are easily cracked in the hand like a peanut. The most desirable characteristic of the Desirable papershell pecan is that the nuts grow in giant clusters. It is not unusual to expect a 25 gallon bucketful of Desirable nuts to be harvested from a 5 year old tree.