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Ty Ty Nursery has a cold hardy persimmon tree named "Mount Fuji-san" from Japan. This tree will survive low temperatures of 0 degrees Fahrenheit and below, and Ty Ty Nursery guarantees these trees will live and grow in your garden. The persimmon's namesake, Mount Fuji-san, is also called Mt. Fuji and Mt Fujiyama, the tallest volcanic mountain in Japan that is visible from Tokyo, being snow capped for several months during every year. The trees grow best in full sun where the fruit develops a delicious delicate taste that is often described as eating an aromatic, fully-ripe apricot. When unripe the Mount Fuji-san persimmon is orange in color, and it is astringent, but as it ripens further, the fruit softens on the tree and turns orange-red, a signal that the persimmons are ready to eat, and most of the fruit will fall from the tree at this climactic stage. The ripening process begins in October in Georgia and proceeds into November, when the leaves turn bright yellow and then orange, as they fall from the tree, leaving the shinning fruit glimmering orange-red, while still attached in large clusters that are hanging from naked twigs. The fruit lasts well if stored in a refrigerator, well into the winter months. These persimmons are delicious to eat by scooping with a spoon the pulpy, juicy treat inside that has the consistency of an sweet egg custard or an apricot creme brulee. The fruits often are 3 inches in circumference, but if the clusters are thinned early in their development, the persimmons can grow up to 4 inches wide.