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The pyracantha plant is a very popular privacy plant, because if you plant it near a window, no one would dare come close to it. The stickers are punishing, deadly and even seem to have been infiltrated with some kind of painful venom. The berries are extremely ornamental and usually great for floral displays. Many gardeners plant them in espalier flat??? pruned forms against a brick wall or fence. Berries are red, orange and rarely yellow, and when ripely fermented-cause feeding birds to reel.• Plant this pyracantha shrub under your window, and you will be protected by the stinger-like thorns from burglars and enemies. Quail will come for miles to feast on the pyracantha berries that grow vigorously on this berry evergreen shrub. This popular shrub is noted for its thorns and its berries. The berries last on this shrub an entire year, in either the green or the red form, and when the red berries fall from the shrub, they are replaced by white blooms in the spring. The Pyracantha can work as an espalier plant, growing up walls when planted close to them. These gorgeous plants can be small trees if trained and the red berries make them spectacular. Evergreen Pyracantha Shrubs have Vibrant Red berries growing over the entire plant. As the plant grows, the limbs weep from the weight of the Pyracantha Berries.