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The Revival Hybrid Chestnut Nut and Tree combines all the best desirable qualities of the Chinese Chestnut and the American Chestnut to give an offspring Chestnut nut product that is bigger, sweeter and more desirable in every way than either of the original parental Chestnut trees had displayed and had been used in the original hybridization process. This Hybrid Chestnut is not only superior in flavor and nut size, but the nuts have a high customer approval ranking when compared with other nut cultivars. Wildlife animals such as deer, turkey and game-birds have been shown to exhibit a marked preference to the Revival Hybrid Chestnut, presumably, because of the sweeter flavor that is experienced by humans and having a more palatable crunchiness than the older nuts of the original parent trees. • Revival Chestnut, Castanea 'Revival' is a hybrid chestnut tree is the super-version of the Chestnut hybridization process that has led to the development of the incorporation of the DNA genetic material of the Chinese Chestnut Tree, Castanea mollissima with the Native American Chestnut Tree, Castanea dentata. Both the Chinese Chestnut trees were excellent producers of large nuts, however, the flavor of the Chinese Chestnut tree nuts was rather bland or mealy, while the native American Chestnut tree nuts was very sweet with a distinct nutty flavor. The American Chestnut trees were almost headed towards extinction after being infected by an untreatable blight that was imported from trees grown in Europe. One surviving American Chestnut tree was found to be alive and producing nuts in the center of an infected and devastated chestnut orchard, that even after being inoculated with infection of the blight spores, was immune from the blight that had virtually destroyed all other American Chestnut tree survivors, once they reached a bearing size. This discovery of a single instance of American Chestnut tree blight immunity stimulated various researchers to hybridize this surviving immune American Chestnut tree with a Chinese Chestnut tree, producing several interesting hybrids that showed excellent characteristics. • The name of the Revival Chestnut tree defines the flavor of the sweet, delicious kernel. This Chestnut tree is a seedling of a Revival Chestnut, which is very heavy-bearing and bears at an early age, sometimes producing chestnuts when only two years old. The Revival chestnut tree is well adapted to grow in very dry soils, even with an alkaline soil profile like those in most parts of Texas and New Mexico.