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The Wax Myrtle is an evergreen shrub which provides nesting and cover for wildlife in the winter when other foliage has thinned. Wax Myrtle flowers are unremarkable in color but numerous in quantity. Fruit matures into Wax Myrtle berries during the summer and throughout winter. Wax Myrtles only grow to 15'-20' tall and wide but reach that size very quickly, making them perfect for creating privacy screens in a short time.• Wildlife deer and game birds seek the protection and food offered by Wax Myrtle shrubs and the limbs and dense foliage of wax myrtle trees offer excellent nesting sites for game birds. The Wax Myrtle shrub is a cold hardy deciduous plant, perfect for planting anywhere from Zone 4 all the way up to Zone 10. Deer can hide behind the dense Wildlife Wax Myrtle Shrub Plants and be virtually invisible to the avid hunter. The Wax Myrtle plant is easy to propagate as a shrub and is resistant to most insects and disease ravages, like most native American plants. The flowers of the Wax Myrtle (Bayberry) plant appear in March and April, and the flower grows into a gray wax containing berry that has many uses, including candle making.