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White Butterfly Ginger

Buy White Butterfly Ginger from Ty Ty Plant Nursery LLC
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Individual Bulbs [$21.75]

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White Butterfly Ginger Lilies wave and flutter as if alive when a swift breeze rolls by. These plants grow well in sun or shade and love water so much that some can be grown aquatically. The White Butterfly Ginger Lily, from Hawaii this Ginger came to American gardens becoming the most popular fragrant Ginger visited by butterflies.

  • White Butterfly Ginger Lily Bulb

• White Ginger lily is very commonly grown in the South and, like the red pinecone ginger, is very cold hardy Heavy fertilization and adequate watering will provide flowers until frost. White butterfly ginger is fragrant and the most popular ginger. The first group of Gingers recognized to be cold hardy is the White Butterfly Ginger Lily which is distinguished from other groups of Gingers in variation of size and flower color.

• The White Butterfly Ginger Lily or Hedychium coronarium has fern-like, waxy green leaves moving constantly in the wind, which make the plant look, as if it is dancing. This beautiful white, flowering plant can grow really well in the sunlight or in shade. The White Butterfly Ginger Lily thrives in a very moist soil profile. This white ginger lily has a very fragrant bloom, and a characteristic that perhaps, makes it the most popular ginger lily planted in the United States.

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