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The Wildlife Crabapple Tree grows in a broad, rounded shape to a height and limb spread of about 10 ft. tall. The Wildlife Crabapple tree produces abundant ripening fruit which is vigorously eaten by many animals. The lightweight fruit of the crabapple tree will remain attached to the tree twigs longer than most other fruits, and therefore will feed extensive wildlife animals, especially birds, well into the Fall. Crabapple trees remain small, especially when properly pruned, and will attract ground animals which prefer fresh fruit.• The crabapple blossoms attract both bees and hummingbirds and can be used as a universal pollinator tree source for other types of standard apple trees. The Crabapple Trees bloom in March through April and are in the fruit development state during September until March. It is not unusual for Wildlife Crabapple Trees to bear crabapples twice during the season, and the crabapple fruit remains on the tree for very long periods, since it has an extended keeping quality just like apples. Wildlife Crabapple Trees do not grow very tall, and this makes it easy for deer to reach the crabapple fruit on the lower branches. The Wildlife Crabapple Tree is a very dependable tree that bears abundant crops of red or yellow crabapple fruit in the Fall, and most game hunters know that deer congregate to eat the crabapples as the fruit begins ripening.